TSLL Archive

Contact: tsll@iastate.edu

The 22nd Annual TSLL Conference (2025)  |  Hybrid format | Building Knowledge of Generative AI in Applied Linguistics
The 21st Annual TSLL Conference (2024)  |  Hybrid format | Researching the Language and Use of Generative AI
The 20th Annual TSLL Conference (2023)  |  Hybrid format | Advancing Technologies—Expanding Research
The 19th Annual TSLL Conference (2022)  |  Hybrid format | Learning English Online: Research for Course Design
The 18th Annual TSLL Conference (2021) held jointly with the 22nd annual Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT) Conference
The 17th Annual TSLL Conference (2019) Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching
The 16th Annual TSLL Conference (2018) held jointly with the 10th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference
The 15th Annual TSLL Conference (2017) Crossing Boundaries: The Geographical and Intellectual Diffusion of Technology for Language Learning
The 14th Annual TSLL Conference (2016) held jointly with the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) conference
The 13th Annual TSLL Conference (2015) Data-driven Approaches to Learning Phraseology and Formulaic Language: Computation, Co-selection, Contextualization, Cognition
  • Call for Papers
  • Program
The 12th Annual TSLL Conference (2014) Beyond Form: Functional Approaches to CALL Research and Teaching
The 11th Annual TSLL Conference (2013) Technology and Teaching Writing for Academic Disciplines
The 10th Annual TSLL Conference (2012) Evaluation of NLP-based System for L2 Learning and Assessment
The 9th Annual TSLL Conference in joint with the 13th MwALT Conference (2011) Exploring innovation in language assessment
The 8th Annual TSLL Conference in joint with the 2nd PSLLT (2010) The role of CALL in hybrid and online language courses
The 7th Annual TSLL Conference in joint with the 1st PSLLT (2009) Technology for Oral Communication
The 6th Annual TSLL Conference (2008) Developing and Evaluating Language Learning Materials
The 5th Annual TSLL Conference (2007) Towards Adaptive CALL: Natural Language Processing for Diagnostic Language Assessment
The 4th Annual TSLL Conference (2006) Learner Strategies in CALL
The 3rd Annual TSLL Conference (2005) Assessment Issues in CALL Research
The 2nd Annual TSLL Conference (2004) Theory-Practice Links for Advanced Second Language Learning Through Technology