The 22nd Annual TSLL Conference (2025) | Hybrid format | Building Knowledge of Generative AI in Applied Linguistics |
The 21st Annual TSLL Conference (2024) | Hybrid format | Researching the Language and Use of Generative AI |
The 20th Annual TSLL Conference (2023) | Hybrid format | Advancing Technologies—Expanding Research |
The 19th Annual TSLL Conference (2022) | Hybrid format | Learning English Online: Research for Course Design |
The 18th Annual TSLL Conference (2021) held jointly with the 22nd annual Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT) Conference |
The 17th Annual TSLL Conference (2019) Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching |
The 16th Annual TSLL Conference (2018) held jointly with the 10th annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference |
The 15th Annual TSLL Conference (2017) Crossing Boundaries: The Geographical and Intellectual Diffusion of Technology for Language Learning |
The 14th Annual TSLL Conference (2016) held jointly with the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) conference |
The 13th Annual TSLL Conference (2015) Data-driven Approaches to Learning Phraseology and Formulaic Language: Computation, Co-selection, Contextualization, Cognition |
The 12th Annual TSLL Conference (2014) Beyond Form: Functional Approaches to CALL Research and Teaching |
The 11th Annual TSLL Conference (2013) Technology and Teaching Writing for Academic Disciplines |
The 10th Annual TSLL Conference (2012) Evaluation of NLP-based System for L2 Learning and Assessment |
The 9th Annual TSLL Conference in joint with the 13th MwALT Conference (2011) Exploring innovation in language assessment |
The 8th Annual TSLL Conference in joint with the 2nd PSLLT (2010) The role of CALL in hybrid and online language courses |
The 7th Annual TSLL Conference in joint with the 1st PSLLT (2009) Technology for Oral Communication |
The 6th Annual TSLL Conference (2008) Developing and Evaluating Language Learning Materials |
The 5th Annual TSLL Conference (2007) Towards Adaptive CALL: Natural Language Processing for Diagnostic Language Assessment |
The 4th Annual TSLL Conference (2006) Learner Strategies in CALL |
The 3rd Annual TSLL Conference (2005) Assessment Issues in CALL Research |
The 2nd Annual TSLL Conference (2004) Theory-Practice Links for Advanced Second Language Learning Through Technology |