Recent Publications


Barriuso, T.A. (2018). The L2 acquisition of phonemes and allophones under various exposure conditions (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.  

Barriuso, T.A., & Hayes-Harb, R. (2018). High variability phonetic training as a bridge from research to practice. CATESOL Journal30(1), 177-194.  

Levis, J. (2018). Intelligibility, oral communication, and the teaching of pronunciation. Cambridge University Press.  

Levis, J. (2018). Technology and the intelligibility-based classroom. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 4(2), 259-78.  

Levis, J. (2018). Technology and second language pronunciation. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 4(2), 173-81.    

Levis, J. (2018). Precision and imprecision in second language pronunciation. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 4(1), 1-10.  

Levis, J., & McCrocklin, S. (2018). Effective and reflective teaching of pronunciation. In M. Zeraatpishe, A. Favani & H. R. Kargozari & M. Azarnoosh (Eds.), Issues in syllabus design (pp. 77-89). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.  

Levis, J., & Muller Levis, G. (2018). Teaching high-value pronunciation features: Contrastive stress for intermediate learners. CATESOL Journal, 30(1), 139-160.  

Levis, J. & Silpachai, A. (2018). Prominence and information structure in pronunciation teaching materials. In J. Levis (Ed.). Proceedings of the 9th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (pp. 216-230). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.Levis, J. & Wu, A. (2018) Research into practice and practice into research. CATESOL Journal, 30(1), 1-12.  

Levis, J. & Suvorov, R. (2018). Automatic Speech Recognition. Entry in the Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.  

O’Brien, M. G., Derwing, T. M., Cucchiarini, C., Hardison, D., Mixdorff, H., Thomoson, H., Levis, J., Munro, M. Foote, J., & Muller Levis, G. (2018). Directions for the future of technology in pronunciation research and teaching. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 4(2), 182-206.  

Qian, M., Chukharev-Hudalainen, E., & Levis, J. (2018). A system for adaptive high-variability segmental-perceptual training: implementation, effectiveness, and transfer. Language Learning and Technology, 22(1), 69-96.  

Silpachai, A. (2018). Review of Investigating English Pronunciation: Trends and Directions, (Jose A. Mompean & Jonas Fouz-Gonzalez, Eds.). The CATESOL Journal, 30(1).  

Zhao, G., Sonsaat, S., Levis, J., Chukharev-Hudilainen, E., & Gutierrez-Osuna, R. (2018). Accent conversion using phonetic posteriorgrams. Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Alberta.  

 Zhao, G., Sonsaat, S. Silpachai, A. Lucic, I., Chukharev-Hudilainen, E., Levis, J., & Gutierrez-Osuna, R. (2018). L2 ARCTIC: A non-native English speech corpus. Proceedings of Interspeech (Hyderabad, India). 



Barriuso, T.A. and S. Barrios. (2017). The role of phonological distributional information on the acquisition of L2 allophones. In M. O’Brien & J. Levis (Eds). Proceedings of the 8th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Calgary, AB, August 2016 (pp. 10-20). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.  

Levis, J. (2017). The Journal of Second Language Pronunciation – Evaluation and directions.  Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 3(2), 156-163.  

Levis, J. (2017). Evidence-based pronunciation teaching: A pedagogy for the future. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 3(1), 1-8.  

Levis, J., & Munro, M., Eds. (2017). Pronunciation: Critical Concepts in Linguistics (4 volumes). Taylor and Francis.  

Levis, J., & Sonsaat, S. (2017). Pronunciation teaching in the early CLT era. In O. Kang, R. Thomson & J. Murphy (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of contemporary English pronunciation, (pp. 267-283). Routledge.  

Levis, J., Sonsaat, S., & Link, S. (2017). Students’ beliefs towards native and nonnative pronunciation teachers. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Native and non-native teachers in English language teaching (pp. 205-237). Boston: Walter de Gruyter.  

Levis, J., & Zhou, Z. (2017). Accent. Entry in the NNEST/NEST section, The TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching. Boston: Wiley Blackwell.  

Lima, E., & Levis, J. (2017). Improving the comprehensibility of ITAs through an online pronunciation tutor. In J. Murphy (Ed.), Teaching the pronunciation of ESL: Focus on whole courses. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.  

Silpachai, A. (2017). Review of Accent reduction for professionals: How to eliminate your accent to sound more American, in M. O’Brien & J. Levis (Eds). Proceedings of the 8th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380- 9566, Calgary, AB, August 2016 (pp. 270-273). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.  



Levis, J. (2016). Accent in second language pronunciation research and teaching. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2(2), 153-159.  

Levis, J. (2016). Research into practice: How research appears in pronunciation teaching materials. Language Teaching, 49(3), 1-15.  

Levis, J. (2016). The interaction of research and pedagogy. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2(1), 1-7.  

Levis, J., Link, S., Sonsaat, S., & Barriuso, T.A. (2016). Native and nonnative teachers of L2 pronunciation: Effects on learner performance. TESOL Quarterly, 50(4), 894-931.  

Levis, J., & Sonsaat, S. (2016). Pronunciation materials. In M. Azarnoosh, M. Zeraatpishe, A. Favani & H. R. Kargozari, Issues in materials development (pp. 109-119). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.  

Martin, C., Borges, V., & Levis, J. (2016). The design of an instrument to evaluate software for EFL/ESL pronunciation teaching. Ilha do Desterro, 69(1), 141-160.  

Muller Levis, G., & Levis, J. (2016). Integrating pronunciation into listening/speaking classes. In T. Jones (Ed.) Integrating pronunciation with other language skills (pp. 27-42). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.

Muller Levis, G., & Levis, J (2016). Intonation bridging activities: Meaningful practice for final  intonation. In J. Levis, H. Le, I. Lucic, E. Simpson, & S. Vo, Eds. (2015). Proceedings of the 7th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (pp. 229-236). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.  



Im, J., & Levis, J. (2015). Judgments of non-standard segmental sounds and international teaching assistants’ spoken proficiency levels. In G. Gorsuch (Ed.), Talking matters: Research on talk and communication of international teaching assistants (pp. 113-142). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.  

Levis, J. (2015). Pronunciation trends across journal and the Journal of Second Language Pronunciation. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 1(2), 129-134.  

Levis, J. (2015). The Journal of Second Language Pronunciation: An essential step toward a disciplinary identity. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 1(1), 1-10.  

Levis, J. (2015). Learners’ views of social issues in pronunciation learning. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 9(1), A42-55.     

Levis, J. (2015). Review of Pronunciation for English as an international language: From research to practice (Ee Ling Low, Routledge). Journal of Asian Englishes  

Levis, J. & Alameen, G. (2015). Connected speech. In M. Reed, M. and Levis, J. (Eds.) The handbook of English pronunciation (pp. 159-174). Boston: Wiley Blackwell. link

Levis, J. & Wichmann, A. (2015). English Intonation: Form and meaning. In Reed, M. and Levis, J. (Eds.) The handbook of English pronunciation (pp. 139-155). Boston: Wiley Blackwell.,+J.+%26+Wichmann,+A.+(2015).+English+Intonation:+Form+and+meaning.&ots=rmu1pO4r8N&sig=xNN3zqC4jVyFVi27K6mh_og3ihg#v=onepage&q=Levis%2C%20J.%20%26%20Wichmann%2C%20A.%20(2015).%20English%20Intonation%3A%20Form%20and%20meaning.&f=false  

Reed, M., & Levis, J., Eds. (2015) The handbook of English pronunciation. Boston: Wiley Blackwell.  

Slater, T., Levis, J., & Muller Levis, G. (2015). Spoken parentheticals in instructional discourse in STEM and Non-STEM disciplines: The interaction of the prosodic, ideational, and interpersonal resources in signaling information structure. In G. Gorsuch (Ed.), Talking matters: Research on talk and communication of international teaching assistants (pp. 3-31). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.  



Levis, J. (2014) Review of Native speakers and native users: loss and gain (A. Davies, Cambridge University Press). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development  

Levis, J. (2014). New and given information in English: Conflicting pedagogical models. Speak Out, 50, 32-36. IATEFL. Levis, J., & Moyer, A., Eds. (2014). Social dynamics in second language accent. Boston: Degruyter Mouton. 

Levis, J. & LeVelle, K. (2014). Understanding the impact of social factors on L2 pronunciation: Insights from learners. In Levis, J. & Moyer, A. (Eds.). Social Dynamics in L2 Accent  (pp. 97-118). Boston: Degruyter Mouton.,+J.+%26+LeVelle,+K.+(2014).+Understanding+the+impact+of+social+factors+on+L2+pronunciation:+Insights+from+learners.&ots=jOe34O47ZS&sig=-iz1_6TbFnp8kJNscMOXq6hVjTQ#v=onepage&q&f=false  

Levis, J. & Moyer, A. (2014). Introduction. In Levis, J. & Moyer, A. (Eds.). Social Dynamics in L2 Accent (pp. 1-8). Boston: Degruyter Mouton.,+J.+%26+Moyer,+A.+(2014).+Introduction.+In+Levis,+J.+%26+Moyer,+A.+(Eds.).+Social+Dynamics+in+L2+Accent+&ots=jOe34O47-T&sig=b5j7NYvsVjGHHs9xxObrNxrvyLo#v=onepage&q=Levis%2C%20J.%20%26%20Moyer%2C%20A.%20(2014).%20Introduction.%20In%20Levis%2C%20J.%20%26%20Moyer%2C%20A.%20(Eds.).%20Social%20Dynamics%20in%20L2%20Accent&f=false  

Levis, J. & Moyer, A. (2014). Future directions in the research and teaching of L2 pronunciation. In Levis, J. & Moyer, A. (Eds.). Social Dynamics in L2 Accent (pp. 275-291). Boston: Degruyter Mouton.,+J.+%26+Moyer,+A.+(2014).+Future+directions+in+the+research+and+teaching+of+L2+pronunciation.+I&ots=jOe34O48VN&sig=kOpxaRNYZzFEYS3UsxXHx8NZFww#v=onepage&q=Levis%2C%20J.%20%26%20Moyer%2C%20A.%20(2014).%20Future%20directions%20in%20the%20research%20and%20teaching%20of%20L2%20pronunciation.%20I&f=false  

Muller Levis, G., & Levis, J. (2014). Using introductions to improve initial intelligibility. In J. Levis & S. McCrocklin (Eds.). Proceedings of the 5th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (pp. 145-150). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.