English Placement Test

English Requirement and the English Placement Test

Students whose primary language is not English and who are not enrolled in distance-only programs must meet the Iowa State University English language requirement. The English Requirement is different from the minimum English proficiency needed for admission to ISU. Students who are admitted to ISU may be required to take English classes to meet this requirement.

For students who do not meet the English Requirement, ISU provides them an additional opportunity to satisfy the English requirement with an institutional English Placement Test (EPT). The EPT evaluates students’ English proficiency to determine whether they have the language skills needed to succeed academically at ISU or if they need to take additional English instruction in writing and/or oral communication. The results of the EPT may lead to meeting the English requirement or assignment to take one or more English writing or oral communication classes. Students are only given one opportunity to demonstrate their English proficiency by taking the EPT. The one-opportunity EPT is free of charge to ISU students. The EPT consists of two parts: the writing test (EPT-W) and the oral communication test (EPT-OC). Students who do not pass one or both parts of the test will be placed into ESL courses based on their results. Upcoming test dates are listed below. To register, please select the “Registration” tab above.

Students should be proactive in determining whether or not they need to take the EPT. If you are unsure, click on the “Criteria for meeting English Requirement” tab above and carefully review the exemption criteria. If none of the criteria apply to you, you are required to take both sections of the EPT. For students who are not exempt, taking the EPT and passing any required English language courses are graduation requirements. Because English-language coursework can affect your program of study, you should try to fulfill these requirements as soon as possible. Postponing or deferring the fulfillment of the English requirement may limit your ability to enroll in other courses and cause delays in graduating.

Students may only take each section of the EPT one time.

Test Schedule

The EPT is only offered at the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters.

EPT Writing:

2025 Spring EPT

  • Regular and make-up administrations of the Spring 2025 EPT Writing section have concluded. The next opportunity to take the EPT Writing section will be in Fall 2025.

2025 Fall EPT

  • Test Date: August 2025, approximately 2 weeks before the start of Fall classes
  • Location: Carver Hall — Check in at Room 0044 (basement)
  • Notes: 
    • Bring your ISU ID card or 9-digit ISU ID number
    • Bring your ISU NetID and password to log into Canvas to take the test.
    • Registration for the regular Writing test is closed. Registration for the make-up test is now open. See the Registrations tab for instructions.
  • A make-up test will be administered during the first week of classes for students who are unable to attend the test on one of the regular dates. Students will only be allowed to take the make-up test when extenuating circumstances limit their opportunity to take the regular test. Students who have such circumstances should contact the EPT office. Registration for the make-up test will open after the regular tests have concluded.

EPT Oral Communication:

2025 Spring EPT

  • Regular Test: Tuesday, January 14, 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Make-up Test: Wednesday, January 22, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. You will select a twenty-minute time slot during this timeframe when you register for the test.
  • Location: Carver Hall Building — Room 268
  • Notes: 
    • Room 268 is the check-in room. Please make sure you arrive 20 minutes before your appointment and wait in the waiting area. The test coordinator will call you for check-in.
    • Do not forget to bring a photo ID. Your ISU ID cards, an international or US-issued driver’s license, and passports are all accepted.
    • Registration for the Oral Communication make-up test is now open. See the Registrations tab for instructions.

ESL Courses

Students who do not pass the test will be placed in ESL courses based on their results. For additional information on ESL courses, please click here.

Need to Take the OECT?

The EPT office does not administer the OECT exam. If you are a graduate student and need to take this test, please click on this website for further information: https://cce.grad-college.iastate.edu/oect.


IMPORTANT: Correspondence from the EPT Office, including registration confirmation emails, is sent to students’ ISU email address. Please check your ISU email regularly to ensure that you do not miss important communication from the EPT Office.

To register for the EPT, follow these instructions:

EPT Writing

  • Both regular and make-up administrations of the Spring 2025 EPT Writing test have concluded. The next opportunity to take the EPT Writing test will be in August 2025, approximately 2 weeks before the start of Fall classes. Please check back at a later date.

EPT Oral Communication

  • To register for the Spring 2025 make-up Oral Communication test on January 22, follow the instructions here. You must register before coming to the testing site.

Viewing Test Results

The EPT results can be viewed from your Workday account approximately 1 week after the test date. You will receive an email informing you when the results are available.

Follow these instructions to locate and view your scores in Workday.

Interpreting Your Results

When viewing your results in Workday, make sure to read the scores in the “Score” column, not the “Percentile” column.

  • A “0” next to a particular course means that you are required to take that sub-test of the EPT but have not taken the test yet. You will need to take this sub-test in the future.
  • A “1” next to a particular course means that you took that sub-test of the EPT and did not pass, so you are required to take the course.
  • A “2” next to a particular course means that you took that sub-test of the EPT and passed, so you do not need to take that course.
  • A “3” next to a particular course means that you took that sub-test of the EPT and did not pass, and the required course has been waived.

For more information about the ESL courses, please click here.

Please note that students may only take each section of the EPT one time.

Test Information

Writing (EPT-W)

The EPT writing test (EPT-W) is a 50-minute, computer-based test administered through Canvas, ISU’s learning management system. The EPT-W assesses your ability to summarize, synthesize, and evaluate information presented in different sources and to state and support arguments with sufficient details and examples using standard academic English. You will be given 5 minutes to read two texts (250-300 words each) about an issue of general interest. After that, you will complete two writing tasks.

  • Task 1 (15 minutes): Write a summary of the two reading texts to compare and contrast the ideas presented in the two texts (100-120 words).
  • Task 2 (30 minutes): Respond to a question related to the topic of the two reading texts, using the texts and your experience to support your arguments (300-350 words).

Note: Students’ performance on Task 2 contributes twice as much to the final result of the EPT-W than does Task 1 (that is, Task 2 is weighted at 66.67% and Task 1 is weighted at 33.33%), hence the greater amount of time allotted for Task 2.

View a sample EPT-W test form.

View the EPT Writing scale.

Oral Communication

This test is a face-to-face assessment of oral communication ability. The test provides evidence of whether test-takers need to take an oral communication course at ISU (i.e., ENGL 0990S) or are exempt from that course. The EPT Speaking test is required for all international students whose native language is not English and are not exempt based on criteria that can be found on the Criteria for meeting English Requirement tab. The test lasts approximately 20-30 minutes.

Overview of the test

The EPT Speaking test is intended to measure test-takers’ oral communication skills necessary for success in academic contexts. These oral communication skills include the ability to effectively interact with professors, instructors, and peers; the ability to use the language fluently; the ability to produce language that is comprehensible to most English users in the United States Midwest; and the ability to use academic vocabulary and grammar accurately and appropriately.

The test takes about 20 minutes and consists of two main tasks. The first task is a scripted one-on-one oral interview; the second task is a paired-discussion task. These two tasks are included because it makes it possible for test-takers to demonstrate their abilities both individually and in a pair, which are both common in a university context. It is known that a test taker’s partner’s oral proficiency, personality, or other personal characteristics can affect a test taker’s performance on a paired test. Thus, raters are trained to take this into consideration when assigning scores on the paired test. To ensure a fair test score, in cases where the personality or proficiency of a partner seems to affect a test taker’s score, test administrators may ask test takers to retake the test with a different partner.

Because the aim of the test is to measure test takers’ ability to speak spontaneously, they are expected to respond immediately in all test tasks; no preparation time is given and taking notes is not allowed. The test might be recorded to ensure the quality of the rating.

Test summary

Total test time 20 minutes per pair of test-takers
Number of parts 2
Test takers interact with The examiner during the scripted one-on-one oral interview and the other test taker during the paired discussion task.

Part 1 (Scripted one-on-one oral interview)

Total time 8 minutes
Number of questions 3
Task content One-on-one interaction with an examiner. The examiner asks three questions, and test-takers are expected to speak for one minute in response to each question.

Sample Part 1

Part 2 (Paired-discussion)

Total time 12 minutes
Number of questions 2
Task content Discussion of an assigned topic with another test taker. First, test-takers listen to a short position on an issue and are given a minute to tell why the speaker has a particular view on the topic. Second, test takers are expected to discuss and defend a position on the topic for approximately 4 minutes.

Sample Part 2

Test procedure

  1. After test takers go in the test room, each test taker is seated at one table at a corner of the room, with an examiner.
    • The examiner introduces himself/herself to the test taker.
    • The examiner asks the test taker 1-2 questions such as the test taker’s name or major.

This introduction part lasts about 30 seconds and is not scored.

  1. Each test taker takes the scripted one-on-one oral interview individually. The task is approximately 8 minutes. In this task, the examiner asks the test taker 3 questions one by one. The test taker is expected to respond to each question for about 1 minute. Test takers are encouraged to speak for the full minute when answering each question. No preparation time is provided.
  2. After test-takers finish the scripted one-on-one oral interview, they move to the middle of the room to take the discussion task. This discussion task is approximately 12 minutes.
    • Before the task begins, two examiners introduce themselves to the two test-takers, and the two test-takers also introduce themselves to the examiners and their peers by saying their names and majors.
    • Test takers listen to a speaker’s position about an issue one time. The audio lasts about 30 seconds. One test-taker is given a minute to tell in his/her words what the speaker’s opinion is and why the speaker has this opinion. Next, the test-takers listen to another speaker give an opposing position on the issue, and the other test taker is given a minute to tell in his/her words what the speaker’s opinion is and why the speaker has this opinion. Both test-takers need to listen to the whole talk carefully because they will discuss the issue introduced by the speakers later. Test takers are not allowed to take notes and are not expected to remember specific details given by the speakers. Test takers are encouraged to use the full minute when giving the speaker’s opinion.
    • The two test-takers are asked to discuss and defend one of the positions provided by the speaker. They speak with each other and the examiners listen and rate their performance. Four minutes is given for the discussion and test-takers are encouraged to share time equally and have short exchanges—not long monologues since a major aim of this task is to see if a test taker can respond to others appropriately, take turns, etc.

No preparation time is given, and taking notes is not allowed.

EPT Oral Communication scale       


Criteria for meeting English Requirement

Students who meet one or more of the following criteria will have met Iowa State University’s English language requirement and do not need to take the English Placement Test. Your student records should be automatically updated to indicate that you have met the English requirement. You do not need to do anything for this process to occur if an exemption clearly applies in your case. However, if you need help interpreting any criterion or if you believe there has been a mistake in determining your English requirement status, write to us at ept@iastate.edu. Please do not email exam scores to the EPT office.


  • All scores below must be official scores sent to the ISU admissions office, not unofficial or self-reported scores. Please do not email exam scores to the EPT office.
  • SAT-EWR (Evidence-based Writing and Reading) scores are accepted if they date from March 2016 or later.
  • Duolingo English Test (DET) scores are not accepted for exemption from the EPT.
  • Superscores (MyBest™ Scores), which use the highest TOEFL section scores from multiple test dates, are not accepted for exemption from the EPT.
  • Students with transfer credit for ENGL 1500 and/or ENGL 2500 must take the EPT if none of the exemptions below apply to them.
      • Students who completed courses providing transfer credit for ENGL 1500 and/or 2500 before starting their first term at ISU must take the EPT. If these students are placed into ENGL 1010 writing courses, the courses may be recommended rather than required depending on the student’s major. If these students are placed into ENGL 0990S, the course is required.
      • Students who complete courses providing transfer credit for ENGL 1500 and/or 2500 after starting their first term at ISU must take the EPT. If these students are placed into ENGL 1010 writing courses, the courses are required regardless of the student’s major. If these students are placed into ENGL 0990S, the course is required.

Exemption Criteria

Students meeting any of the following criteria have met the English language requirement and do not need to take the English Placement Test. Students who are confident that they have sufficient English proficiency may (re)take TOEFL iBT, IELTS, or Pearson PTE at their own cost to demonstrate their English proficiency prior to and/or after arriving on campus.

  1. Undergraduate students who were not required to provide standardized test scores as proof of English proficiency to be admitted to Iowa State University. Specifically, this applies to:
      • International students whose primary language is English and who are residents of a country where English is the only official language (marked with † in the list below)
      • International students whose primary language is English, who are residents of a country where English is one of the official languages (except India), and who completed their schooling in English-medium institutions (unmarked in the list below)
      • Graduates of U.S. high schools (see criterion 6)
    • This exemption does NOT apply to transfer students or students outside of the above categories with transfer credit for ENGL 1500/2500. These students must still take both Writing and Oral Communication sections of the EPT. See above for more details about 1500/2500 transfer credit.
  2. Undergraduate students with official ACT-E scores of 24 or higher or SAT-EWR (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) scores of 600 or higher. English placement is English 2500. Students must take 2500 here at ISU and receive a “C” or better in order to receive the 1500 “T” credit. SAT-EWR scores must date from March 2016 or later.
  3. Undergraduate or graduate students with a TOEFL PBT score of 600 or above or TOEFL iBT score of 100 or above
    • For students who begin their studies at ISU in Fall 2024 or later: Undergraduate or graduate students with a TOEFL iBT total score below 100 but a TOEFL iBT Speaking subscore of 23 or above meet the Oral Communication component of the English proficiency requirement and should not take the EPT Oral Communication section. However, they do not meet the Writing component and should take the EPT Writing section as a potential way to satisfy this requirement.
  4. Undergraduate or graduate students with an overall band score of 7.5 or above on the IELTS Academic test
    • For students who begin their studies at ISU in Fall 2024 or later: Undergraduate or graduate students who have an IELTS Academic overall band score below 7.5 but an IELTS Academic Speaking subscore of 7.0 or above meet the Oral Communication component of the English proficiency requirement and should not take the EPT Oral Communication section. However, they do not meet the Writing component and should take the EPT Writing section as a potential way to satisfy this requirement.
  5. Undergraduate or graduate students with scores of 72 or above on the PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic test
    • For students who begin their studies at ISU in Fall 2024 or later: Undergraduate or graduate students with a PTE Academic total score below 72 but a PTE Academic Speaking subscore of 65 or above meet the Oral Communication component of the English proficiency requirement and should not take the EPT Oral Communication section. However, they do not meet the Writing component and should take the EPT Writing section as a potential way to satisfy this requirement.
  6. Undergraduate or graduate students who graduated from a high school in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico and Saipan)
  7. International exchange students* who do not plan to take classes offered by the Department of English.
  8. Graduate students whose primary language** as reflected in their ISU student records is English and who completed their education in an English-speaking country***
  9. Graduate students whose primary language is not English but who received a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree from an English-medium university in an English-speaking country***
  10. Graduate students whose only enrollment is in a fully online, distance-only program.**** (Note: Students who take any classes on ISU’s campus in Ames as part of their program are not considered distance-only and thus are not exempt).
  11. Graduate students who have been employed full-time (40 hours per week minimum) for at least two years in organizations that use English as the primary language for both written and spoken forms of communication. Only students admitted to the Graduate College in Fall 2023 or afterward are eligible for this exemption. To qualify, admitted students must be prepared to provide verifiable evidence (typically a written statement from a supervisor) attesting to the fact that (a) the parts of their work that involve writing and speaking are conducted primarily in English, and (b) the ability to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English is considered a requirement of their position. The exemption will not apply in cases where English was used:
    • only occasionally in the workplace (e.g., only when meeting with foreign clients);
    • for written workplace communication (reports, emails, etc.) while primarily speaking in languages other than English, or;
    • for speaking in the workplace (discussions, presentations, etc.) while primarily writing in languages other than English.

    Notes: Assistantship appointments held as a graduate student are not considered professional experience for this purpose, though full-time postdoctoral appointments are. An application process is required to claim this exemption.

*Exchange students are those who come to ISU from another country as part of a formal exchange program to spend a semester or academic year attending classes and participating in campus life. They continue to be enrolled full-time and earn credits towards their degree at their home institution.

**A primary language is defined as the language in which a person is most proficient and/or which was the first language learned and spoken from childhood.

***English-speaking countries (i.e., those that recognize English as an official language) include the following:

  • † indicates countries that recognize English as the only official language. See Criterion 1 for more information.
Antigua and Barbuda†
British Virgin Islands†
Cayman Islands†
Falkland Islands (Islas
Hong Kong
New Zealand
New Guinea
Saint Helena, Ascension,
and Tristan da Cunha†
St Kitts & Nevis†
Saint Lucia†
Saint Martin
St Vincent & Grenadines†
Sierra Leone†
Solomon Islands†
South Africa
South Sudan†
Trinidad & Tobago†
Turks & Caicos†
United Kingdom†

****A list of fully online, distance-only programs can be found on the Office of the Registrar website: https://www.registrar.iastate.edu/fees/mandatory-fees/online-and-distance-education-programs

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find information about exemptions, ENGL 1500/2500 transfer credits, diagnostic tests, etc.

What is the English Placement Test?The English Placement Test (EPT) is administered to students who have been admitted to ISU with English proficiency test scores below the threshold for EPT exemption and/or who do not meet any of the other exemption criteria. The EPT assesses students' ability to communicate effectively in a university setting both in writing and speaking. The results of the test are used to determine whether students need additional English language support during the beginning of their study at ISU.
I am an online/distance learning student. Do I need to take the EPT?Students enrolled in fully online, distance-only programs are exempted from the EPT and the English requirement at this time and so do not need to take the EPT. If you will be studying on campus in Ames at any time during your program, however, you will need to take the EPT.
What is the format of the test?The EPT consists of two parts: a writing test (EPT-W) and an oral communication test (EPT-OC). Please select the Test Format tab for more information about each sub-test.
I received a high score on the Duolingo English Test. Am I exempt from the EPT?No. Duolingo English Test scores cannot be used for exemption from the EPT.
What if I have taken the ACT or SAT?
(Question applies to undergraduate students only).
Students who have taken the ACT or SAT may be exempt from the EPT. Please refer to the Criteria for meeting English Requirement tab for more information.
I have a transfer credit for ENGL 1500 and/or 2500. Do I still have to take the English Placement Test? (Question applies to undergraduate students only).Yes. These students still need to take BOTH the EPT-W test and the EPT-OC, even if they have transfer credit for ENGL 1500 and/or 2500.
Do I have to take ENGL 1010B and/or 1010C if I have transfer credits for ENGL 1500? (Question applies to undergraduate students only).It depends on which college you are in. Some colleges many require students to take 1010B and/or 1010C even if they have transfer credit for ENGL 1500.
I did not pass the English Placement Test. Can I take the test again?No. Due to human resource limitations, students can only take the EPT once.
Are there diagnostic tests that can allow me to be waived from an ESL course? Diagnostic tests are not used to waive students from taking any ESL courses at this time. They may be used by instructors in these courses to plan their teaching, however.
I did not pass the English Placement Test. May I take the required course(s) next semester?Students are strongly advised to take required ESL courses starting in their first semester.

Graduate students must complete all required ESL courses in their first year unless circumstances make this impossible. Students taking GRST 5400 may take 0990S in their second semester if they prefer.
I have been placed into ENGL 1010B and 1010C/D. Can I take these courses in the same semester?No. You cannot take ENGL 1010B and 1010C/D in the same semester. You must successfully complete ENGL 1010B before enrolling in ENGL 1010C/D.
Where do I find the schedule of classes?You can see which classes are being offered each semester by visiting https://classes.iastate.edu/.
I cannot register for a course because it is full. What should I do?Continue to check AccessPlus to see if a spot opens up in the course you need to take. Instructors cannot add seats beyond the course capacity, so please do not ask any ESL course instructor to allow you to enroll into the course.
Where can I learn more about the ESL courses?For a full description of the ESL courses, visit https://apling.engl.iastate.edu/esl-courses/
Can I get feedback on my oral communication test?If you are placed in ENGL 0990S, your instructor will share your oral communication test results with you during the first two weeks of classes.
Can I get feedback on my writing test?Currently, we do not provide feedback from the EPT-W due to limited human resources. However, the instructor in your course will provide feedback based on your performance in the course.
Do ESL courses count towards graduation and my GPA?ENGL 0990S does not count toward your GPA or toward graduation. ENGL 0990S credits and grades, however, will appear on your transcript.

ENGL 1010B, C, and D count towards a student’s GPA but not towards graduation.
How much do the ESL courses cost?ENGL 1010B, 1010C, and 1010D are the same price as a regular 3-credit course. Students taking ENGL 0990S will be assessed a fee of $480 in addition to the cost of a regular 3-credit course.

More information about course fees is available at http://www.registrar.iastate.edu/fees/othfee.
Can I take the ESL courses pass/not pass?Only ENGL 0990S and 1010D can be taken pass/not pass.
How do I find the building where the tests will be held?To locate the buildings on the ISU campus, visit https://www.fpm.iastate.edu/
I have additional questions. Whom should I contact?Please e-mail ept@iastate.edu.

Contact Us

  • Email: ept@iastate.edu (fastest way)
    • Please do not send any sensitive information, such as transcripts or exam scores.
  • Office: 239 Ross Hall (appointment required)
  • Phone: The EPT office extension is not monitored. Please send all enquiries via email.