Tina Coffelt


Office:253 Ross
527 Farm House Ln.
Ames IA
Office Hours:Monday 2-3  Tuesday 11-12


Courses I am Teaching

COM ST 203: Introduction to Research Methods
COM ST 102: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
ENGL 501: Introduction to Research in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication
ENGL 602: Research Methods in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication


Ph.D. Communication Studies, University of Missouri
M.B.A. Northwest Missouri State University
B.B.A. Management major, Florida International University

Research Areas

Sexual communication, family communication, interpersonal communication, business communication

About My Teaching

I like classrooms with momentum, energy, and interaction. Students practice active listening during lecture segments, discuss ideas in small groups, and consider others’ viewpoints during full class discussion. I draw on research findings and connect with personal experiences to illustrate concepts. Then, students are asked to think about and share their own experiences to solidify understanding of concepts. Assignments allow students to showcase their knowledge by integrating course concepts into their work.

How I came to Teach what I Teach

When I was 12, my dad asked me, “How would you like to get $1,000?” He had my attention. That question led me to my first public speaking competition. I spoke competitively for four more years, then switched to motivational and leadership speaking in high school organizations. These early experiences with public speaking, presenting, training, and interviewing launched me into undergraduate studies in business management. It was not until a friend said to me, “Did you know you talk about relationships all the time?” that I realized how fascinating interpersonal relationships are to me—family member, friend or intimate partner. That was also the day I switched from studying communication in organizations to interpersonal communication. I remain interested in public speaking and business, however my primary interests are in family, friend, and romantic relationships.

Recent Publications

Coffelt, T. A. (in press). Sexual goals, plans, and actions: Toward a sexual script emerging adults use to delay or abstain from sexual intercourse. Western Journal of Communication.

Coffelt, T. A. (in press). Revealing sexual information in mother-daughter relationships. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society, and Learning.

Coffelt, T. A., Baker, M. J., & Corey, R. C. (2016). Business communication practices from employers’ perspectives. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 79, 300-316. doi:10.1177/2329490616644014

Coffelt, T. A. (2015). Family sexual communication: Educational and relational. In J. Manning & C. M. Noland (Eds.), Contemporary Studies of Sexuality & Communication. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Coffelt, T. A., & Hess, J. A. (2015). Sexual goals-plans-actions: Toward a sexual script in marriage. Communication Quarterly, 63, 21-238.

Coffelt, T. A., & Hess, J. A. (2014). Sexual disclosures: Connections to relational satisfaction and closeness. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 40, 577-591. doi: 10.1080/0092623X.2013.811449

Coffelt, T. A., & Olson, L. O. (2014). No more birds and bees: A process approach to parent-child sexual communication. In E. L. Cohen (Ed.), Communication Yearbook, 38, (pp. 207-240). New York: Taylor & Francis.

Coffelt, T. A. (2013). Customer service with a smile: Creating a climate where customers come first. In J. A. Wrench (Ed.), Workplace Communication for the 21st Century: Tools and Strategies that Impact the Bottom Line. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publications.

Current Research

Coffelt, T. A., Grauman, D., & Smith, F. L. M. Employers’ perspectives on workplace communication skills. Journal of Business and Technical Communication.

Coffelt, T. A., & Smith, F. L. M. The relevance of anticipatory socialization: The meaning of communication skills to employers. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication.

Coffelt, T. A., & Vogel, D. A. Avoiding sexual communication: A test of communication and receiver apprehension as hindrances to sexual self-disclosure in marital relationship.

Coffelt, T. A., & Vogel, D. A. Commitment and desire as explanations for responses to sexual initiation messages.

Coffelt, T. A., & LeFebvre, L. Revealing and concealing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the effects on relationship maintenance.

Coffelt, T. A., & Dunn, L. A. Comparison of business communication instructors’ and business practitioners’ perceptions of student writing.

Coffelt, T. A. A paragon of family ritual: The Zimmerman family reunion. A case study of relationship maintenance in a multigenerational family.

Outside of the University

I travel, sew, follow college football and basketball, and read.