Katie Fulton


Office:435 Ross
527 Farm House Ln.
Ames IA
Office Hours:T 12:30-2; W 12:30-3


Courses I am Teaching

SpCm 212: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
ENGL 150: Critical Thinking and Communication


M.A. English, Iowa State University, 2009
B.A. English, Iowa State University, 2007

About My Teaching

I’m interested in building a sense of community in the classroom as I’ve found this to be the most effective way for students to become better communicators, allowing them to become more open to learning from each other and more receptive to new ideas. My primary area of interest is in argument, both spoken and written, and how students can more effectively express and uphold their viewpoints.

How I came to Teach Speech Communication and Composition

Originally, I entered graduate school because I wanted to teach literature and writing. However, due to my background in rhetorical studies as an undergraduate, my first teaching experience was as a teaching assistant for Speech Communication 212. I gained an appreciation for how much students have to benefit from their speech coursework, not just academically, but also personally, as they learn to own their unique voices in the world.

Outside of the University

I love to cook and read, but one of my favorite hobbies is my love of video games. Among many other qualities, a well-crafted video game can be beautifully artistic in design and exhilarating in action. However, my favorite aspect of a good game is engaging storytelling, which can rival great films and literature.