Jinrong Li (2012) is an associate professor in the Department of Writing and Linguistics at Georgia Southern University. Before that, she taught at Iowa State University and Boston University. Her research interests generally run along three main themes: 1) feedback in teaching second language writing, 2) language teaching, technology, and second language instruction, and 3) information literacy and second language writing pedagogy. Since joining Georgia Southern, Jinrong has also started working with researchers in rhetoric and composition, and has developed strong interests in identifying opportunities for productive collaboration between first and second language writing specialists. She has published her work in a variety of journals including Language Learning & Technology, Journal of Second Language Writing, Assessing Writing, CALICO Journal, and International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning & Teaching (IJCALT).
Major Professor: Volker Hegelheimer
Dissertation title: The effects of synchronous text-based computer mediated communication tasks on the development of L2 and academic literacy: A mixed methods study