Jacob Dawson


Office:243 Ross
527 Farm House Ln.
Ames IA
Office Hours:MWF 9-10 & 12-2


Courses I am Teaching

Engl 150 Critical Thinking and Communication
Engl 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Compositions
Engl 250 Honors Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Compositions

Areas of interest

Fiction Writing/Comp Rhet; Non-fiction essay (Joan Didion, David Foster Wallace, Dave Eggers, James Baldwin, Emerson, Thoreau, etc) ; Hemingway’s By-line years.

About My Teaching

My interest and background in creative writing and the philosophy of pedagogues such as Peter Elbow and Mina Shaughnessy have strongly influenced how my composition classrooms are spaces where I challenge students to create, explore, and discover the world they live in. More so, I want them to see how the classroom space is directly connected to the world space, and how unpacking and exploring this space can lead to the discovery of new thoughts, philosophies, and ideas. Essentially, my goal is for students to end up thinking something they couldn’t have possibly started out thinking.

Recent Publications

Twenty-Eight Minutes”…………………………BartlebySnopes
“Twenty-Eight Minutes”………………………….BartlebySnopes/Editor’s Choice Award
“Chunk”…………………………………………………PANK Magazine

Outside of the University

I am an active novelist/essayist; however, when I’m not writing I go to junk, salvage, and antique sales around the Story County area.