Daniel Henke


Office Hours:T/Th 12-2


Daniel Henke is a PhD student in the Rhetoric and Professional Communication program. Before coming to Iowa State University, he spent the last two years teaching English literature, composition, and English as a second language at the University of Wisconsin, Richland. In addition to his teaching duties, he was also the director of the writing center, known as the Woodman Learning Center. Daniel obtained a BA in English from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point and an MA in English literature and textual interpretation from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Daniel is deeply interested in existential Absurdism and Albert Camus. Daniel’s research interest are vast, but he enjoys connecting Camus’ writing with multiple theoretical approaches to better understand Camus’ intricate and complicated writings. He is also interested in writing center theory and practice, Marxism, psychoanalytical theory, postcolonialism, and compositional studies. Daniel actively tries to publish his work and is featured in multiple scholarly journals and has presented his findings at conferences across the nation.