Crystal spends most of her time writing poetry on her roller skates. Her work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Driftwood, Occulum, Anomaly, BONED, Eunoia Review, isacoustics, Tuck Magazine, Writers Resist, Drunk Monkeys, Coldnoon, Poets Reading the News, Jet Fuel Review, Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle, North Central Review, Badlands Review, Green Blotter, and Southword Journal Online. She gave a TEDx talk called "The Transformative Power of Poetry" the first week of April and her first collection of poetry, Knock-Off Monarch, is forthcoming from Dawn Valley Press fall 2018. You can find her in the office listening to classical music, on Twitter @justlikeastone8 or on instagram @stone.flowering where she and her younger sister make blackout poetry together.