9th Annual Conference on
Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL)
held in conjunction with
The 13th Annual
Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT) Conference
September 16-17, 2011
Exploring innovation in language assessment
Margaret Malone, Center for Applied Linguistics
Innovative language tests: What the test-takers say
Sara Weigle, Georgia State University
Automated essay scoring in high stakes language testing
Lia Plakans, University of Iowa
Investigating innovative assessment tasks
The integration of these two conferences provides an opportunity for examining a range of innovations in language assessments—many of which rely on computer technology—in the process of test conceptualization, development, delivery, scoring, and analysis. Abstracts for papers and posters developing the theme of innovation broadly construed are invited for the conference, but we are particularly interested in papers with implications for innovation in language assessment through computer technology.
- Papers: Theory-oriented presentations or reports on completed research related to the theme of the conference. The presenter will have 20 minutes to present, followed by 10 minutes for questions and comments.
- Posters: Presentations of work in progress and research at the planning phase. All poster presenters will give a 5-minute introduction of their study to the whole audience, and will then host their posters for the rest of the session. This is a great opportunity for graduate students to discuss their research plans.
In order to be considered, proposals must be received via email by Monday, May 16th, 2011. Those submitting proposals will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance by June 1, 2011.
All submissions must be sent electronically to Hye-won Lee at Attach a MS Word file to an e-mail with the subject header “MwALT Submission – ‘your name’.”
Page 1: Abstract of proposed contribution with title. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words for papers and 150 words for posters.
Page 2: Please include the following:
a) Title of presentation (10 words maximum);
b) Type of presentation (paper/poster)
c) Name(s) of the author(s) in the order you would like them to appear in the program, their institutional affiliation, including the city and state of the institution (Underline the name of the author who will be the correspondent)
d) AV equipment required (projector will be provided)
Conference Chair: Carol A. Chapelle
Conference Associate Chairs: Volker Hegelheimer & Erik Voss
Conference Organizing Committee
Alsallami, Nawaf
Chung, Yoo Ree
Dursun, Ahmet
Jun, Hee Sung (Grace)
Karakaya, Kadir
Lee, Hye-won
Xu, Jing
For further information about the conferences, contact Carol A. Chapelle (
Information about previous TSLL conferences can be found at TSLL Archive.