LARC 2018 Program

March 21 – 23, 2018

Memorial Union, Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa

Download LARC 2018 schedule here.

MARCH 21, 2018 (WED)

8:00 – 4:00
Registration, Networking & Sponsors Room
- Campanile Room -
08:30 – 08:40
Gary Ockey & Roz Hirch
- Campanile Room -
08:40 – 09:40
Opening Address – Carol Chapelle
Validity arguments in language assessment: Contributions from Applied Linguistics

- Campanile Room -
09:45 – 10:50
Concurrent Sessions
Cardinal Room
Conversation analytic approaches
to assessing speaking
Oak Room
Assessing writing in diverse contexts
Gold Room
Validating tests for specific purposes
Incorporating conversation analytic and CA-SLA research findings in language testing for purposes of construct definition and rating scale development
Katharina Kley, Rice University
Investigating Egyptian stakeholders' indigenous assessment criteria in post hoc validation of a genre-specific, integrated writing rubric
Ibrahim Ghada, Modern Sciences and Arts University
Construct validity evidence for the Global Test of English Communication computer-based testing
Payman Vafaee, Teachers College, Columbia University
A conversation analytic approach to validity evidence in assessing interactive speaking performance
Soo Jung Youn, Northern Arizona University
Randomly distributed comparative judgment: A cost-benefit analysis in rating writing
Maureen Sims, Troy Cox, Grant Eckstein
Brigham Young University
Adapting and validating an analytic rating scale for L2 Chinese writing
Xiaofei Pan, Yuan Lu
University of Iowa
10:50 – 11:10
Coffee Break
- Campanile Room -
11:10 – 12:10
Plenary Speech – Tim McNamara
A challenge for language testing: The assessment of English as a Lingua Franca

- South Ballroom -
12:10 – 01:30
12:45 – 01:30
Language Testing Syllabus Share
Organizers: Lorena Llosa & Paula Winke
- Campanile Room -
01:30 – 02:30
Poster Sessions
- Cardinal Room -
02:30 – 02:50
Coffee Break
- Campanile Room -
02:50 – 04:30
Concurrent Sessions
Cardinal Room
Task types for assessing speaking
Oak Room
Validating rating scales
Gold Room
Corpus linguistics and assessment
The construct of oral communication: Are we measuring what we intend to measure?
Gary Ockey, Sonca Vo, YunDeok Choi,
Iowa State University
Assessing the validity of ACTFL can do statements for spoken proficiency
Magda Tigchelaar, Michigan State University
Assessing phrasal complexity at formal and functional levels in L2 academic writing: What can it offer for learning-oriented assessment?
Nazlinur Gokturk, Iowa State University
Are TOEFL lectures more complex than authentic university lectures?
Roman Lesnov, Northern Arizona University
Exploring rater behaviors on handwritten and typed reading-to-write essays using FACETS
Sun Young Shin, Senyung Lee, Yena Park,
Indiana University
A longitudinal corpus-based analysis of written and spoken responses to the TOEFL iBT: A validation study
Bethany Gray, Phuong Nguyen, Joe Geluso
Iowa State University
Pre-task planning and task types in oral test performance
Shinhye Lee, Michigan State University
Using analytic rating scale quality assessments for optimization and validation
Kurtis McDonald, Kobe College
Validating the interpretation of TOEFL iBT® speaking scores for ITA screening and certification
Elena Cotos, Yooree Chung,
Iowa State University
04:40 – 05:30
Summer Internship Session
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) - Meg Malone
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) - Jennifer Norton
Cambridge Michigan Language Assessment (CaMLA) - Gad Lim
Educational Testing Service (ETS) - Larry Davis
Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WIDA) - Mark Chapman
- Oak Room -
07:00 – 10:00
Opening Social (includes dinner)
- Sun Room -

MARCH 22, 2018 (THU)

All day
Registration, Networking & Sponsors Room
- Campanile Room -
08:30 – 10:10
Concurrent Sessions
Cardinal Room
Scoring speaking assessments
Gallery Room
Developing assessments for diverse contexts
Gold Room
Assessing the construct of writing
Innovative approaches to scoring interactive speaking ability
Larry Davis, Educational Testing Service
Young A Son, Georgetown University
A case study of an IEP's language assessment revision process
Jarred Brinkmann, Yongkook Won, Iowa State University
Exploring the use of process-tracing technologies to support assessment for learning of L2 writing skills
Jim Ranalli, Hui-Hsien Feng, Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen
Iowa State University
The roles of suprasegmental features in predicting English oral proficiency with an automated system
Okim Kang, Northern Arizona University
Revising a writing rating scale for placement purposes: An analysis of written responses from examinees of different proficiency levels
Phuong Nguyen, Iowa State University
Raters’ approaches to listening-writing assessments: An examination of decision-making processes and challenges
Renka Ohta, University of Iowa
Development and validation of automated scoring models for oral responses
Ziwei Zhou, Sowmya Vajjala-Balakrishna
Iowa State University
Automatic writing evaluation for student self-correction
Aiqiong Huang, Tsinghua University
Nathan Thomas, University of Oxford
Investigating speaking and writing score consistency on the Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency
Nathan Carr, California State University
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quynh, Nguyen Thi Quynh Yen, Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Thai Ha Lam Thuy, Bui Thien Sao
Vietnam National University
10:10 – 10:30
Coffee Break
- Campanile Room -
10:30 – 11:20
Business Meeting – International Language Testing Association (ILTA) event
Meg Malone, Carol Chapelle, Gary Ockey, and others
- Gallery Room -
11:20 – 12:20
Plenary Speech – Alister Cumming
Purposing writing assessments: Focusing complex constructs in variable contexts

- Gallery Room -
12:20 – 1:30
01:30 – 02:35
Concurrent Sessions – Validation Research
Cardinal Room
Assessing fluency
Gallery Room
Validity arguments in different contexts
Gold Room
Rating writing assessments
Question type and advanced Spanish speaker fluency during the ACTFL OPIc
Troy Cox, Greg Thompson, Brigham Young University
Alan Brown, University of Kentucky
Test validity: Perceptions of students and teachers
Xiaowan Zhang, Michigan State University
Validating the rating process of an English placement test writing test: An argument-based approach
Phuong Nguyen, Volker Hegelheimer,
Iowa State University
Measuring fluency in ACTFL OPI data produced by Arabic L2 speakers
Summer Loomis, American University in Dubai
Evaluation of Telephone Standard Speaking Test using an argument-based validation framework
Rie Koizumi, Juntendo University
Rubric rating vs. randomly distributed comparative judgment: A comparison of two approaches
Maureen Sims, Troy Cox, Grant Eckstein
Brigham Young University
02:35 – 02:55
Coffee Break
- Campanile Room -
02:55 – 05:05
Gallery Room
Colloquium: Argument-based validation research in language assessment
Gold Room
Technology Demonstrations
Argument-based framework and interpretation inferences for a test of academic English collocational ability
Erik Voss, Northeastern University

Validating the use of a shortcut measure to assess Korean language learners’ general language proficiency
Young-A Son, Georgetown University

Generalization inference for a computer-mediated graphic-prompt writing test for ESL placement
YunDeok Choi, Iowa State University

Investigating the consequences of an ESL placement test
Zhi Li, Paragon Testing Enterprises, Vancouver, Canada

Discussant: Carol A. Chapelle, Iowa State University
Fluencing: A reliable and simple tool to measure temporal measures of oral fluency
Ji-Young Shin, Purdue University

Test delivery with a smartphone app
Masanori Suzuki, Mallory Klungtvedt, Pearson

Combined concurrent keystroke logging and eye tracking for formative assessment of L2 writing
Evgeny Chukarev-Hudilainen, Iowa State University
Hui-Hsien Feng, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
Aysel Saricaoglu, TED University
Mark Torrance, Nottingham Trent University
Brody Dingel, Iowa State University

Using eye tracking and electroencephalography (EEG) in process-oriented validation research
Ruslan Suvorov, University of Hawaii
07:00 – 10:00
- Sun Room -

MARCH 23, 2018 (FRI)

Registration, Networking & Sponsors Room
- Pioneer Room -
08:30 – 10:10
Concurrent Sessions
Cardinal Room
Rater effects on speaking assessments
Oak Room
Assessing English learners
Gold Room
Contributing factors in selected response items
Task difficulty in a semi-adaptive performance-based oral communication test
Yongkook Won, Iowa State University
Overlapping constructs: Using content tasks to assess English learners’ content and language proficiency
Lorena Llosa, Scott Grapin, New York University
Development and initial validation of a diagnostic computer-adaptive
vocabulary knowledge profiler
Benjamin Kremmel, University of Innsbruck & University of Nottingham
Differences in rater cognition: Thought processes and feature attention of NS and NNS Raters
Valeriia Bogorevich, Northern Arizona University
Two third-grade ELL reading tests, and how one shows the new use of the other is theoretically misguided
Paula Winke, Xiaowan Zhang, Michigan State University
Meta-Analysis of the studies on linguistics factors affecting English language learners in assessment
Dandan Chen, University of Connecticut
The effect of training and rater individual differences on oral proficiency assessment
Alyssa Kermad, Okim Kang,
Northern Arizona University
Understanding how test takers complete a while-listening performance test: Insights from response time data
Zhi Li, Paragon Testing Enterprises
Student self-appraisal calibration on a reading comprehension multiple-choice assessment
Troy Cox, Jodi Peterson
Brigham Young University
10:10 – 10:30
Coffee Break
- Pioneer Room -
10:30 – 11:15
Works in Progress
- Pioneer Room -
11:20 – 12:20
Plenary Speech – Dorry Kenyon
Validation of language tests in U.S. public schools: Roles of the language testers, roles of policy makers

- Gallery Room -
12:20 – 12:30
Closing Remarks
Gary Ockey & Carol Chapelle
- Gallery Room -
01:30 – 04:00
Eye tracking for language assessment

Evgeny Chukarev-Hudilainen, Iowa State University
- Ross 312 -