March 21 – 23, 2018
Memorial Union, Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Twitter: @apling_iastate
Validation research in language assessment:
Contributions from methods in applied linguistics
Iowa State University is pleased to announce that it will host the 2018 Language Assessment Research Conference (LARC). This conference will take place March 21-23, 2018, in Ames, Iowa. LARC is being held in an effort to fill the growing need for a language assessment conference that is accessible to researchers in North America.
LARC 2018 will provide a forum for concentrated discussion of applied linguistics methods used in validation studies for language assessments to support a range of claims about the validity of test score interpretations, uses, and consequences. Research methods in applied linguistics appear to be increasingly useful in language testing research because of the need to investigate new types of language tests for an expanded set of purposes delivered by ever-changing technologies. Some methods of interest in validation studies are response process analysis, such as eye-tracking, conversation analysis, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, language-focused ethnography, critical inquiry into policy issues, differential item functioning, factor analysis, generalizability theory, Many-facet Rasch Measurement, and structural equation modeling.
Opening Address
Distinguished Professor
Iowa State University
Plenary Speakers
Professor Emeritus
University of Toronto
Vice President, Director of Assessment
Center for Applied Linguistics
Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor
University of Melbourne
President, AAAL
Important Dates
Abstracts deadline: September 15, 2017
Notifications of acceptance: Late October, 2017
Conference: March 21 – 23, 2018
Conference organizing committee
- Gary Ockey, Iowa State University (Co-Chair)
- Carol Chapelle, Iowa State University (Co-Chair)
- Liying Cheng, Queen’s University
- Troy Cox, Brigham Young University
- Jee Wha Dakin, ETS
- Okim Kang, Northern Arizona University
- Meg Malone, Georgetown University, ACTFL
- Lia Plakans, University of Iowa
- Masanori Suzuki, Pearson
Local Organizers (Iowa State University graduate students)
- Rosalie (Roz) Hirch (Chair)
- Nazlinur Gokturk
- Hyunwoo Kim
- Ananda Muhammad
- Phuong Nguyen
- Liberato Santos
- Sonca, Vo
Please contact us at larcconference2018@gmail.com if you have any questions.