AACL 2016
American Association of Corpus Linguistics 2016 Conference
jointly with
14th Annual Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL) Conference
Iowa State University
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(The call for papers is now closed)
The American Association of Corpus Linguistics (AACL) calls for proposals for paper presentations at their next conference, which is being held jointly with the 14th Annual Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL) Conference, on September 16-18, 2016, at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.
Submission of Abstracts
Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are invited to submit abstracts for 25-minute papers (20 minute presentation + 5 minutes for questions) on any aspect of corpus linguistics. Abstracts will undergo anonymous review.
Papers are welcome from a range of subfields in three categories:
1. Tools and methods (corpus creation, corpus annotation, tagging and parsing, visualization of large data sets, open source corpora (philosophy and practice), software development);
2. Linguistic analyses of corpora as they relate to language use (register/genre as well as lexical and grammatical variation, language varieties, parallel corpora, historical change, lexicography);
3. Application (the use of corpora in language teaching and learning).
Abstract Details:
• Cover page: Author(s) name(s); Affiliation; Contact information; Paper title; Category (see above)
• Abstract page: Paper title; Abstract (max. 250-300 words)
• Format: MS Word or PDF (the latter is necessary if the abstract contains specialized fonts)
Submit abstracts to aacl2016@iastate.edu by April 1, 2016 (the call for papers has passed). In the subject line of your email, please indicate the category your paper would most likely fit in (see categories above).
Conference Website:
Download a PDF file of the full call for papers here
Important Dates:
April 1, 2016 — Deadline for submission of abstracts
May 9, 2016 (updated) — Notification of decisions on abstracts
June 1, 2016 — Early registration opens
July 1, 2016 — Preliminary schedule posted
Aug 10, 2016 — Early registration ends
Sept 10, 2016 — Regular registration
Sept 16-18, 2016 — Conference (Registration on site)
General AACL Information
Previous conferences of the American Association of (Applied) Corpus Linguistics have been held at different universities in North America starting in 1999: Northern Arizona University (2014, 2006, 2000), San Diego State University (2013), Georgia State University (2011), University of Alberta, Canada (2009), Brigham Young University (2008), University of Michigan (1999, 2005), Montclair State (2004), IUPUI (2002), and University of Massachusetts-Boston (2001).