Tweet about the conference and connect with other attendees by using the hashtag: #AACL2016
Conference Venue
The conference will be held at the Memorial Union (MU) on Iowa State University’s (ISU) campus. The MU is at the heart of ISU, at 2229 Lincoln Way, Ames Iowa 50014. The MU is across from Campustown and within walking distance to numerous coffee shops and restaurants. The opposite side of the MU faces central campus with the campanile and open fields where students often lounge and relax. The MU houses a food court, a bookstore, and a convenience store. For detailed directions to the Memorial Union, see the “Getting to the Conference Venue” section on the “Travel and Accommodations” page.
Pay parking is available in the Memorial Union Parking Ramp, adjacent to the conference venue. For more information, visit http://www.mu.iastate.edu/parking–maps/parking/
Other parking is available on campus by obtaining a Visitor Parking Permit, which would allow you to park in a General Staff or Student parking lot and walk to the Memorial Union. Visitor Parking Permits are free, but are required to park on campus during the week. More information can be found at http://www.parking.iastate.edu/visitor.
Parking on campus on the weekend does not require a permit, but please make sure to check the signage at the entrance of each lot to ensure it is open for non-permitted vehicles.
Pre-Conference Workshops Registration
Pre-conference workshops will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2016 and are open to registered conference attendees. Registrations for the workshops will be accepted until all available seats are filled. Please see the “Pre-Conference Workshops” page for further information on the workshops, including descriptions.
To register for the pre-conference workshop(s), complete the form at: http://goo.gl/forms/J8gyMa6fpihRkthq2
Workshop #1: Statistics for Corpus Linguists with R
Stefan Th. Gries, University of California, Santa Barbara
Thursday, September 15
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
(with a break for lunch)
Location: Gold Room, Memorial Union
Workshop #2 (Parts 1 and 2): Using the BYU Corpora: From Newbie to Geeky
Mark Davies, Brigham Young University
Thursday, September 15
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Location: Room 212, Ross Hall
Workshop #3: Regular Expressions for Advanced Corpus Queries
Jesse Egbert, Northern Arizona University
Thursday, September 15
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Room 120, Ross Hall
Conference Registration
Online registration is now closed. After September 10, 2016, registration can be completed on-site when you arrive for the conference. Credit cards or checks will be accepted for on-site registration.
Early Registration–Online (Early Online Registration is now closed)
Now through 10-Aug-2016
Full rate: $160.00
Student rate: $100.00
Regular Registration–Online (Online Registration is now closed)
11-Aug-2016 through 10-Sept-2016
Full rate: $210.00
Student rate: $130.00
On-Site Registration (at the conference venue)
15-Sept-2016 through 18-Sept-2016
Full rate: $220.00
Student rate: $140.00
For assistance with the registration process, or to resolve any technical difficulties while registering, please contact Registration services by phone at 515-294-6222, or by email at registrations@iastate.edu
Notice regarding cancellation policy: In the event that you must cancel your registration, the registration fee is refundable though 10-Sept-2016 minus a $15 non-refundable service fee. The registration fee is non-refundable after 10-Sept-2016.