Friday, September
12, 2014
11:00-12:15 | Registration (in front of The Gallery Room) |
Gallery Room |
12:15-12:35 | Words of welcome: Barbara Ching (English Department Chair), Tammy Slater (Iowa State University) |
12:40-1:10 | A computational perspective on linguistic form and meaning Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen (Iowa State University) |
1:15-1:45 | Computational analysis of word choice errors in a learner corpus of Spanish students of EnglishFiorella Dotti (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) |
1:50-2:20 | Capturing L2 learners negotiating for meaningAurora Mroz (Colby College) |
2:25-2:55 | The role of the interpersonal in modes of technology-mediated feedback in ESL writingKelly Cunningham (Iowa State University) |
3:00-3:30 | Coffee break
(Ice water, and decaf and regular coffee |
3:30-4:00 | The use of grammatical metaphors in native and non-native PhD dissertations Nawaf Alsallami (Iowa State University) |
4:05-4:35 | (Re)claiming voices: Digital storytelling (DST) and second language learnersYurimi Grigsby, Carolyn Theard-Griggs, Christopher Lilly (Concordia University) |
4:40-5:10 | Why do(n’t) language learners enjoy serious games? Arthur Wendorf (University of Texas at Arlington) |
Campanile Room |
5:30-7:30 | Poster sessions and reception (Ice water, lemonade, and chips available) |
State Exams in Spain: New Perspectives For Fairer Language Tests through the OPENPAU Project <![if !supportLists]> · Miguel Fernandez <![if !supportLists]> · Jesus Garcia Laborda L2 as Computer Display <![if !supportLists]> · Margaret Godwin-Jones Rethinking Intermediate <![if !supportLists]> · Robert Godwin-Jones Maximizing Vocabulary <![if !supportLists]> · Kate Finegan, Kyle Talbot of Iowa) Weblogs in the ESL <![if !supportLists]> · Yuchiao Huang, Diana (Northern Arizona University) Ideational meaning in <![if !supportLists]> · Using YouTube to Enhance <![if !supportLists]> · Stefano Maranzana The development of an <![if !supportLists]> · Todd Paben |
Saturday, September 13, 2014
7:30-8:30 | Registration (in front of The Gallery Room) |
Gallery Room |
8:30-9:30 |
Keynote Speech:Michael (Mick) O’Donnell (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) |
9:30-9:50 |
Morning coffee (Ice water, and decaf and regular coffee available, as well as light breakfast fare in The Gallery Room) |
9:50-10:20 | Chinese language learners’ online communication with native speakers for the purpose of completing a culture project: An exploratory study Shenglan Zhang (Iowa State University) |
10:25-10:55 | @LanguageUser#L2_4_me_2: Jennifer Gray and Lauren Primuth (University of Wisconsin Madison) |
11:00-12:05 | Parallel Sessions: |
Time |
Gallery Room |
Gold Room |
11:00-11:30 | Toward improving L2 phonetic skills using speech recognition Faizah Sari (Surya University) |
A linguistic analysis of aviation English in Korean English as a foreign language context Moonyoung Park (Iowa State University) |
11:35-12:05 | Utilizing technology to facilitate learner autonomy Kyle Talbot & Kate Finegan (University of Iowa) |
Promoting positive classroom dynamics and performance in second language teaching: Connecting learning environments with the ACTIVote component of interactive whiteboard technology Fan-Wei Kung (Queen’s University Belfast) |
12:10-1:15 |
Lunch in the Great Hall (The Food Court in the lower level of the Memorial Union is open for cash sales.) |
Gallery Room |
1:15-1:45 |
Grounded ethnography and functional discourse analysis for foreign language curricular development: Jesse Gleason
(Southern Connecticut State University) |
1:50-2:20 |
Measuring Second Language Writing Development: Stephanie Link
(Iowa State University) |
2:25-2:55 |
The contribution of
parallel corpora to the development of academic
Leticia Giesta
(Federal University of Campina Grande)
Coffee break
(Ice water, and decaf and regular coffee
available in The Gallery Room)
Addressing article
errors in a corpus of Spanish learners of
English: An alternative approach
Fiorella Dotti
and Mick O’Donnell
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
3:55-4:30Closing remarks:
Carol Chapelle
State University)
6:00-8:30 | Closing party, location TBA |
Special thanks goes out to the ISU College of Liberal
Arts and Science for their generous support for this
conference. Thank you also to Ames Visitors Bureau,
Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis Books, Equinox
Publishing, and John Benjamins Publishing Company.
sincere thank you also to our abstract reviewers: Carol
Chapelle, Kelly Cunningham, Bethany Gray, Volker
Hegelheimer, Hye Won Lee, Zhi Li, Edna Lima, David
Oakey, Mandy Qian, Jim Ranalli, Saricaoglu, Barbara
TSLL 2014 organizing committee
Stacy Amling, Kelly Cunningham, Joe Geluso, Sarah
Huffman, Kadir Karakaya, Edna Lima, Zhi Li,
Link, Monica Richards, and Tammy Slater.