Call For Proposals


Technology for Second Language Learning


11th Annual Conference

Technology and Teaching Writing for Academic Disciplines

Iowa State University

October 18-19, 2013



John Flowerdew 

University of Hong Kong

The Applied Linguistics and Technology program at Iowa State University invites proposals for the 2013 TSLL Conference. The current generation of electronic texts, computational tools and writing practices in academic disciplines presents an array of opportunities and challenges for the teaching of academic writing.  Collections of professional academic writing that used to be physically distant from writing instructors are now easily obtainable through electronic library collections and the Internet.  Electronic writing tools provide opportunities for students to access and analyze the professional texts in their disciplines.  The proximate texts, tools and technologies appear in a landscape where a strong need exists for educated people who can comprehend, produce, and evaluate technical materials in their disciplines as well as work across disciplines.  Teachers are therefore challenged to explore these new affordances for student learning.

TSLL will bring together researchers and teachers who aim to better understand and use technological resources to improve the teaching of academic writing.  We are especially interested in teaching writing for particular academic disciplines (e.g., biology, industrial engineering, and veterinary medicine).

Proposals are invited for papers and posters on current practices, challenges, and research directions in computer-assisted teaching of disciplinary writing. Proposal topics are encouraged to address one or more of the following areas:

  • What are successful practices in computer-assisted teaching of disciplinary writing?
  • How does the language teacher use technology to help meet the practical challenges of teaching discipline-specific writing?
  • How can students in a language class use technology to obtain useful models for and feedback on their discipline-specific writing?
  • How can technology help in assessing students’ learning of discipline-specific writing practices?
  • How can the analytic approaches from linguistics help teachers to use technology to understand discipline-specific writing and the challenges it presents to students?
  • How can work in corpus linguistics and computational linguistics help to develop appropriate tools for teaching discipline-specific writing?
  • What research is needed to advance the profession’s use of technology to meet the challenges of teaching discipline-specific writing?


Types of presentations 

    • Papers: Theory-oriented presentations or reports on completed research related to the theme of the conference. The presenter will have 20 minutes to present, followed by 10 minutes for questions and comments.
    • Posters: Presentations of work in progress and research at the planning phase. All poster presenters will give a 5-minute introduction of their study to the whole audience, and will then host their posters for the rest of the session. This is a great opportunity for graduate students to discuss their research plans.


Instructions for submitting an abstract 

Submissions should be made by June 5, 2013 to the link

Proposal Submission Form

Submissions should include the presenter’s name, contact information, co-presenter’s name(s), institutional affiliation, type of presentation, title of proposal and 250-word abstract.

If you have questions regarding the abstract submission, please email

Acceptances will be sent by June 28, 2013.

Hope to see you in Ames!


Conference Chairs:

  • Carol A. Chapelle
  • Elena Cotos

Conference Organizing Committee:

  • Volker Hegelheimer
  • Ahmet Dursun
  • Aysel Saricaoglu
  • Erin Todey
  • Huong Le
  • Kadir Karakaya
  • Ngan Vu
  • Sinem Sonsaat

For further information about the conferences, please email .

Information about previous TSLL conferences can be found at TSLL Archive.