Yasin Karatay


Office Hours:MW 11-12


Yasin Karatay holds a BA in English Language Teaching from Anadolu University and an M.A. in TEFL from Bilkent University in Turkey. He taught a variety of English courses at the tertiary level, including academic reading and writing, grammar, technical English, and English 101. He also taught theme-based courses such as Sports as a Way of Life, Photography, and Technology for Professional Students. He has presented at local and international conferences, including MwALT, AAAL, IATEFL and EuroCALL. He has worked as an EFL instructor and assistant director at Duzce University in Turkey. He is currently a Ph.D. student in the Applied Linguistics and Technology program and a research assistant at Iowa State University. His research interests are computer-based speaking assessment, CALL use in material development and assessment, and English for Specific Purposes.